Restaurar objetos borrados en Active Directory

Si tienes que recuperar objetos del Active Directory puedes usar esta herramienta

Object Restore for Active Directory

Recovering Deleted Objects in Active Directory
Restoring deleted objects and information in Active Directory can be a manual and time-consuming task. Native backup and recovery utilities require intense involvement by the administrator, knowledge of what objects were deleted or affected, and require a Domain Controller to be rebooted. As a result, it is difficult for organizations to meet reasonable service levels for restoring deleted information in Active Directory, and avoid recovery pitfalls such as lost productivity and system downtime.

Object Restore for Active Directory Freeware
Restoring single, deleted objects in Active Directory can be a manual and time-consuming process requiring system downtime. Object Restore for Active Directory is a free, graphical utility that allows you to instantly recover deleted objects in a Windows Server 2003 environment without rebooting a Domain Controller. The freeware utility allows viewing Tombstoned objects in Active Directory and reanimating deleted items using Microsoft’s new Tombstone Reanimation interfaces for Windows Server 2003. When you download the Freeware, a 6-month key is built in. You will be prompted to re-register on our site at the end of each 6-month period.

Recovery Manager for Active Directory
Quest Software’s enterprise Active Directory recovery solution provides all the functionality an administrator needs to ensure their Active Directory is properly backed up, and that deleted Active Directory objects and data and Group Policy can be quickly recovered in the event of corruption or inadvertent modification due to hardware/software failures or human error. Download or upgrade to Recovery Manager for Active Directory.

Please Note: Object Restore for Active Directory is unsupported freeware. The license key expires at the end of 6 months. To renew, you must uninstall the product and reinstall.


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