Cómo forzar la replicación con un controlador de dominio específico

Si se desea replicar con un controlador de dominio específico es necesario realizarlo por línea de comandos por medio del repadmin que está en el Resouce Kit

1. Determine the name of the target server that needs to be synchronized.

2. At a command prompt, use Repadmin.exe to determine the target server's direct replication partners by typing the following command:

repadmin /showreps target_server_name

If the target server can be reached, it displays output similar to the following sample. In this example, DC1 and DC2 are now in the same domain, "support.microsoft.com."

DSA Options : (none)
objectGuid : 4a11d649-f9ab-11d2-b17f-00c04f5cb503
invocationID: 45d18b0b-f9ab-11d2-98b8-0000f87a546b
==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ======================================

Redmond\DC2 via RPC
objectGuid: d2e3badd-e07a-11d2-b573-0000f87a546b
Last attempt @ 1999-05-03 18:07.04 was successful.


Redmond\DC2 via RPC
objectGuid: d2e3badd-e07a-11d2-b573-0000f87a546b
Last attempt @ 1999-05-03 18:07.05 was successful.


Redmond\DC2 via RPC
objectGuid: d2e3badd-e07a-11d2-b573-0000f87a546b
Last attempt @ 1999-05-03 18:07.09 was successful.

(Other data excluded because it does not pertain to this article.)

Under the Inbound Neighbors section of the output, the direct replication partners for each directory partition are identified along with the status of the last replication.

3.Find the directory partition that needs synchronization and locate the source server with which the target will be synchronized. Note the objectGuid of the source server.

4.Use Repadmin.exe to initiate replication by typing the following command:

repadmin /sync directory_partition target_server_name source_server_objectGuid

For example, to initiate replication on DC1 so that changes are replicated from DC2:

repadmin /sync dc=support,dc=microsoft,dc=com DC1 d2e3badd-e07a-11d2-b573-0000f87a546b

If successful, Repadmin.exe displays the following message:

ReplicaSync() from source: d2e3badd-e07a-11d2-b573-0000f87a546b, to dest: DC1 is successful.

Optionally, you can use the following switches on the command line:

•/force: Overrides the normal replication schedule.

•/async: Starts the replication event. Repadmin.exe does not wait for the replication event to finish.

•/full: Forces a full replication of all objects from the destination DSA.

Initiating Replication Using Active Directory Replication Monitor

1.On the Windows computer that will run the script, install the Windows Support Tools Resource Kit, which includes Active Directory Replication Monitor (Replmon.exe).

2.Start Active Directory Replication Monitor and click Add Site/Server on the Edit menu. Use the "Add Site or Server" Wizard to add the target server to the view.

3.Replmon.exe identifies the directory partitions and displays them as child nodes to the target server in the left pane.

4.Find and expand the directory partition that needs to be synchronized. All domain controllers listed for a given directory partition are source servers, but direct replication partners are displayed with an icon that represents two network-connected servers. Direct replication partners can also be identified by right-clicking a server and clicking Properties. The Properties dialog box displays the source server as a Direct Replication Partner, a Transitive Replication Partner, or a BridgeHead Connection (also a direct replication connection).

5.Right-click the direct replication partner, and then click Synchronize Replica. Replmon.exe initiates replication and reports the success or failure of the request.

  Fuente: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/232072


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