Como configurar un alias para conectarse a una instancia en puerto no default

Configure a SQL client alias
If you block UDP port 1434 or TCP port 1433 on the SQL Server computer, you must create a SQL client alias on all other computers in the server farm. You can use SQL Server client components to create a SQL client alias for computers that connect to SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005.

Run Setup for SQL Server 2005 on the target computer and select the following client components to install:

Connectivity Components

Management Tools

Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In the left pane, click SQL Native Client Configuration.

In the right pane, right-click Aliases, and select New Alias.

In the Alias dialog box, enter a name for the alias and then enter the port number for the database instance. For example, enter SharePoint_alias.

In the Port No field, enter the port number for the database instance. For example, enter 40000. Ensure that the protocol is set to TCP/IP.

In the Server field, enter the name of the SQL Server computer.

Click Apply, and then click OK.

Test the SQL client alias
Test connectivity to the SQL Server computer by using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which is available by installing SQL Server client components.

Open SQL Server Management Studio.

When you are prompted to enter a server name, enter the name of the alias that you created, and then click Connect. If the connection is successful, SQL Server Management Studio is populated with objects that correspond to the remote database.


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