Recomendación libro de SQL Server
Para aquellos que deseen iniciar con SQL Server les recomiendo el libro "The Practical SQL Handbook: Using SQL Variants" de Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson, y Marcy Darnovsky. Adjunto la tabla de contenidos. Chapter 1. SQL and Relational Database Management This chapter of the book covers subjects like having a more elite level of english, searching for other routes of viewing data, and the security it need to carry out its duties. Chapter 2. Designing Databases This chapter of the book covers subjects like how to go about designing something upon a deliberation, knowing the way to do data entries and also the proper ways to review a database design. Chapter 3. Creating and Filling a Database This chapter of the book covers subjects like the proper ways to go about working with databases and also the ways to create indexes. Chapter 4. Selecting Data from the Database This chapter of the book covers subjects like seecting...