Concerning the credentials double hop issue
Este articulo tomado de muestra posibles soluciones a el problema de paso credenciales a traves de multiples servidores Being an ASP.NET enthusiast, I've soon came across this issue and had to deal with it. This happened very shortly after the release of the .NET Framework and, at the time, seemed like a major headache for developers. Well, actually it still does seem like a major headache but I've came to accept it as a "normal" thing :P. Because I regularly post in ASP.NET newsgroups, I realized that every so often someone sends in an email stating that they lose the user credentials connecting to a SQL Server or accessing a file in a network share from within their ASP.NET application. And this is called the "double hop" issue. The typical scenario follows: you're building an intranet application and using Integrated Security. You're also setting " " in your web.config file. Durin...